Recruitment - intermediation services

Recruitment or recruitment for your company using PeopleConsulting is an efficient and reliable way to find quality employees. This service may include only a portion or all aspects of the recruitment process.

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Direct Search / Headhunting / Executive Search

Direct Search, a targeted search is guaranteed to get the best employees with work experience precisely those areas that the client requires. Discrete addressing candidates suitable for managerial positions or specific.

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HR coaching & consulting

We offer our clients extensive experience in the field of internal and external HR. Therefore, we can in this area, which is crucial for every company, our consulting services to prepare tailored to each client.

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HR area outsourcing

Recruitment or recruitment for your company using PeopleConsulting is an efficient and reliable way to find quality employees. This service may include only a portion or all aspects of the recruitment process.

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Outplacement helps companies in situations when they must release employees and want to keep their reputation as a good employer.

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