
"I would like to thank People Consulting for very helpful and proactive cooperation in finding new employment. Everything was in a pleasant and partnership atmosphere, where I could really feel like a client. Thank you for your professional approach."


"Thank you for your professional approach while helping me to find a suitable job. I can recommend the cooperation with People Consulting."


"Hello, I would like to thank you for the great cooperation. Pleasant, helpful, all together. I was looking for a part-time job because of my university studies, and they handled it all. I have found great job! Thank you very much once again!"


"Hello, I would like to thank you because thanks to you I have found my first job. I would also like to thank you that I was always informed about the situation and phone calls were always professional and pleasant. Because of accurate information and fast reaction I can highly recommend you this company."

E.H., Supply Chain Manager CE

"After more than 20 years in the automotive industry, I needed a new "boost" and the drive to further develop in my field. After many negative experiences with "regular" recruitment agencies, where I felt like a commodity on the "white meat market", I was lucky enough to work with People Consulting, specifically with Mr. Arnost Schmidt. Thanks to his professionalism, human approach and efforts to connect the right "candidates" with the right companies, the door was opened to a company that meets all my expectations and needs and is in line with my personality and human values. Mr. Schmidt and the People Consulting team, please accept my TRUE THANKS." 


"I would like to take this opportunity to share a positive experience of a cooperation with People Consulting (namely with Mrs. Ilona Schmidt). The whole proces was very professional and there was a highly apparent effort to connect the appropriate candidate with the suitable employer. Also the lenght of the entire proces was quite short, as for common Czech conditions, (the process took only 5 weeks from sending a CV to the final job offer from the employer). That is why I recommend this company for cooperation, whether for employers or employees. "


"Hello, I would like to commend the consultants from People Consulting for the exemplary telephone interview. I am very pleased for their professionalism. "


"Hello, thank you very much for a very pleasant and professional cooperation with you. I want to thank you for your time and for helping me to get a great job that suits me. I am with you and my new job very happy. I wish you much success and best regards. "


"Hello, I would like to thank People Consulting for the way doing their job. During the job search when I was working with them i felt like a client which is really well taken care of. From the first interview at People Consulting until after the next interview in a particular company they have been in contact with me and took care to ensure that everything went smoothly, quickly and right. I also visited other agencies than People Consulting and not everywhere I could see such a professional and friendly behavior like here. Thank you! "


"For the hearty support in finding a new job, I want to thank your agency. Highly professional and friendly conduct on your part easier to find me in a short time an interesting job. "


"This way I would like to thank and highlight the work of People Consulting. The empathic behavior and friendly, professional attitude, professional knowledge of the issues, the experience and approach to clients of your staff is excellent. Our cooperation is of great benefit to me. Thank you "


"Hello, I want to thank People Consulting for a very professional job search assistance. The attitude and willingness surprised me and pleased. I highly recommend it. "


"I would like to thank People Consulting for their professionalism, helpfulness and kindness. I have already visited a lot of recruitment agencies, but never to me were so nice and welcoming. I can definitely recommend it to one place. "


"I would like to thank People Consulting for a professional demeanor and sincerity and job search assistance. And thanks to get the work as an analyst - sales department. Thanks again. "


"Hello, I want to take this opportunity to thank People Consulting getting me a job and could see that they really have a great effort in ensuring that everything worked out successfully. Especially appreciate the fact that applicants retain records for a longer period and actively involves dealing with biographies of the candidates, ie. constantly looking for suitable employment. So thank you very much for getting a job.
Best regards"


"Good day, I would like to thank People Consulting for their professional and very pleasant behavior. Thanks to them I have a job in which I am very satisfied. In comparison with other agencies, I can say that with such a personal and friendly approach I encountered. I can only recommend it. "


" Hello I would like to take this opportunity to all who are looking for or want to change jobs, to recommend to start cooperation with Mrs. Ilona Schmidt and the team at PeopleConsulting. Very friendly and professional approach conveyed me work to my expectations. "


"I would like to thank Mr. Arnost Schmidt for very helpful and professional behavior at very rapid recruitment. It is a recruitment agency that cares man. I can honestly recommend other candidates in search of employment. "


"Good day, due to the fact that I have a relatively plenty of experience finding a job through a recruitment agency, I can pretty well judge the quality of their services. Recruitment Agency People Consulting Ltd. I was very pleasantly surprised by their professionalism and attitude. Mrs. Schmidt, with whom I discussed, is really a person in place, working with her was very pleasant, especially in contrast to representatives of other agencies is very friendly, communicative, amazing collaboration regarding the transfer of feedbacks. I can honestly recommend other candidates to find a job while her and thank. "


"When looking for work (in this case, senior economist position), I spoke to a large number (and renowned) recruitment agencies - with whose representatives I have personally met and interviewed during initiation. But I must say that approach (until then completely unknown to me) offices "People Consulting", represented by Mrs. I. Schmidt, in comparison with other professional and qualitatively very different. Mrs. Schmidt me during a very short period of time corresponding to convey just three positions, while other agencies that used to take a month or more. It is clear that the firm People Consulting is conducted by a professional to quickly and effectively acts. "


"Good day, I would like to thank Mrs. Ilona Schmidt for assistance in finding new employment. In our work on meeting me she was very nice, helpful and professional. Thanks to her, I got really promising job and I hope that as I am satisfied I will be a lot of other clients staffing agencies Peopleconsulting. I wish you a nice day."


"The services of Peopleconsulting I used as unemployed, even though I was the experience of previous years with another agency feared that pay a fee for inclusion in the database and thus it ends. In my 58 years I had a fear that discard high school diploma, and end up with developments in paleťáku hands in a food warehouse. Fortunately, it did not. Have a meeting with the manager of the company Peopleconsulting changed my mind and was not the result of collaboration reaching into their wallets, but job placement that I literally sewed to size. I appreciated the service of my employer because they stayed with unsuitable candidates and save on payments to people who would leave on probation. Thanks to the company Peopleconsulting ..."


"Working with Michaela was amazing experience. She was the only HR consultant, which convince me to change and helped me push my career forward. Exceptional is, that she did not stop supporting me until I achieved my goal. She master all necessary skills to be truly professional consultant but I want to highlight one is very special nowadays - you can always rely on her words - ALWAYS! From my personal experience I definitely recommend Michaela to anyone looking for new business opportunity!“

P.Š., Marketing Director

"I have worked with People Consulting and mainly with Ilona Schmidt in her capacity of headhunter demonstrating many occasions to be a passionate professional by its true definition. Her knowledge of the clients/candidates needs, give an absolute added value to the hiring process. She is spot on right, acts with speed and focus and delivers excellent level of service. She suggests great win-win solution. It has been a real pleasure to cooperate. I am pleased to expand the best possible recommendation. "


"Hello, I just wanted to add another positive evaluation toward the agency, very friendly and good person. Compared with other agencies, a professional in the right place. Excellent communication and feedback, I highly recommend it to everyone. :-)) "


"Dear. I am not a proponent of Internet questionnaires. On the other hand, I also like to get good references. I have seen on the market to take care of me interested in personal agency, or even cared. I was looking for work several times in the course of 10 years, but to meet people from People Consulting in PRG refute my skepticism towards personal agencies - that actually only one. Absolute interested, contact telephone interviews and after feeling that to search are not alone, it is a PC I appreciate everything you did for me, the people of People Consulting!


"Hello, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the agency for a proactive approach in finding suitable employment. The competition should take an example of the approach of this agency. I highly recommend it. "


"Hello, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs. Ilona Schmidt and her team for a very professional approach, quick and friendly conduct a job search. After the experience of many other agencies can say that PeopleConsulting are people who have you in the first place. "


"Companies People Consulting with your attitude and professionalism break and managed to disprove my belief, based on experience, that you can not find a good job with a recruitment agency. I thank Mrs. Schmidt and her team for their cooperation. "


"I would like to thank Mrs. Ilona Schmidt for recruitment. Cooperation with PeopleConsulting proceeded without any problems quickly and professionally. All job seekers can heartily recommend this agency. "


"When looking for a new job, I had the opportunity to work with several recruitment agencies, but People Consulting is their real interest in finding pespektivního employment and personal approach really special."

For all suggestions, tips and suggestions to improve the positive reaction you very much. All their views can be noted here:

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